New Season’s Resolution

I was fortunate recently to return to my Motherland. For the best part of a month, I was surrounded by all things British and the sounds, smells and tastes of my previous life. Like putting on a pair of comfortable old shoes, I found myself quickly re-adopting the language, mannerisms and banter of the UK, everything felt so familiar. What was simultaneously a surprise though, was how much of a tourist I felt in my own town. Visiting Windsor Castle and discovering that the Queen was actually home that day had me teetering on the edge of over-excitement like a child at Christmas time! 

While I was away in the UK, I had time to reflect on this past year with all its constant waves of highs and lows. Talking with my friends and family gave me the chance to try and explain what life is like for us here in the U.S. and what it is we are hoping to achieve with Ashuelot Concerts. Now, having returned home to Keene NH, there is no doubt in my mind that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. Our mission to bring music into the heart and souls of people of all ages has become a total obsession, one I am proud to be addicted to! When I put bow to string in a room full of children and heads whip round to see what this strange new sound is, I have a golden opportunity to turn them into a life-long music-lover and perhaps leave them with an inspirational message that will hopefully make them able to try that little bit harder in class that day. 

At New Year, people often make New Years resolutions. However, for me, the start of a new season is a better opportunity to make changes for the better. With the new season comes a feeling of hope, opportunity, anticipation, peace and the possibility of what might be. Out with the old and in with the new! And so, as we embark on this new concert year, I make this new season’s resolution to work harder than ever before, to bring more music to children in schools, to play my heart out in every concert and keep these great composers voices alive. I vow to listen more, talk less, play better and above all, try to inspire the next generation to be better and believe that anything is possible if you just keep trying!

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